Parad (Mercury) Amrit Cup costs 5000 rs. Drinking the milk or water or any medicine in Parad (Mercury) Amrit Cup

Parad (Mercury) Amrit Cup costs 5000 rs. Drinking the milk or water or any medicine in Parad (Mercury) Amrit Cup purifies human body. It also controls asthma, diabetes; give better…

Continue ReadingParad (Mercury) Amrit Cup costs 5000 rs. Drinking the milk or water or any medicine in Parad (Mercury) Amrit Cup

Coconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are

Coconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are trapped with rahu dosh. Nariyal Monkey is also called as a powerful decorative tool for…

Continue ReadingCoconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are

If u want to marry or if u want to improve ur married life keep 2 parad pyramids of same weight in south west direction. You will get instant results.

If u want to marry or if u want to improve ur married life keep 2 parad pyramids of same weight in south west direction. You will get instant results.…

Continue ReadingIf u want to marry or if u want to improve ur married life keep 2 parad pyramids of same weight in south west direction. You will get instant results.

Parad Pyramid is the world’s best product to keep on your office desk or study table.

Parad Pyramid is the world's best product to keep on your office desk or study table. Parad is the most heaviest metal of the world Energized Parad (Mercury) Pyramid emits…

Continue ReadingParad Pyramid is the world’s best product to keep on your office desk or study table.

Couple should put their happy pic in south west corner of their bedroom to improve relation with their partner/better half/spouse

Couple should put their happy pic in south west corner of their bedroom to improve relation with their partner/better half/spouse

Continue ReadingCouple should put their happy pic in south west corner of their bedroom to improve relation with their partner/better half/spouse

New pocket size fortune cards with unique Yantra and power of pyramid is for all good purposes of life

New pocket size fortune cards with unique Yantra and power of pyramid is for all good purposes of life. Very easy to use and carry in your bag or pocket.…

Continue ReadingNew pocket size fortune cards with unique Yantra and power of pyramid is for all good purposes of life

Keep love birds in south west direction to improve birds improves love life.

Keep love birds in south west direction to improve birds improves love life. If you are single and planning to get married soon, keep a pair of love birds…

Continue ReadingKeep love birds in south west direction to improve birds improves love life.