As Predicted Narendra Modi Became The Prime Minister Of India.

As Predicted Narendra Modi Became The Prime Minister Of India.

Done this prediction many times in the past.

1 is lucky for 8.again proved by modi.

Narendra Modi is no.8(17 September 1950) running in his lucky 64th(1) year.

His opponents Rahul Gandhi is running in his unlucky 44th(8) year of saturn.

Arvind Kejriwal name adds to unlucky 40 name no. of rahu.

Even Narendra Modi name adds to very good no. of mercury 41 planet of media & communication.Namo adds to 17.Modi Born on 17.17 is good octave of no.8.
Predicted that modi will become pm by seeing prashna kundali & his personal chart also.
Done predictions on my fb & website on 
Gujarat Election – Narendra Modi will come back to power.
November 9, 2012
By Vedant Sharmaa
even when his wave was not there.
I got chance to see narendra modi kundali. I am very sure he will become next PM of India
June 11, 2013
By Vedant Sharmaa 
Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister of India on the basis of prashna kundali & also numerologically he is running in his lucky year
Posted by Vedant Sharmaa on Monday, April 7, 2014 Under: Elections
Can see these links on my websites.
I got chance to see narendra modi kundali.
I am very sure he will become next PM of India.
currently his rahu antardasha going on till sept. 2014
which is very good as far as politics is concerned.
he will get name fame respect power position.
there is no stopping him.
he is sure to win from here on for coming years.
as his guru antardasha between oct 2014 to jan 2016 &
his shani antardasha between feb 2016 to aug 2017 & so on all very good for power & politics.
Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister of India on the basis of prashna kundali & also numerologically he is running in his lucky year.