The relationship between planets, the signs and the houses they are positioned in and how they aspect each other plays an important part in determining a person’s mental and psychological make up and which aspects of his/her life will be affected adversely or positively

The relationship between planets, the signs and the houses they are positioned in and how they aspect each other plays an important part in determining a person’s mental and psychological…

Continue ReadingThe relationship between planets, the signs and the houses they are positioned in and how they aspect each other plays an important part in determining a person’s mental and psychological make up and which aspects of his/her life will be affected adversely or positively

Astrology is a science of similarities. This principle of Astrology is to be understood in detail to know how the significations of everything have been arrived.

Astrology is a science of similarities. This principle of Astrology is to be understood in detail to know how the significations of everything have been arrived. We take Sun as…

Continue ReadingAstrology is a science of similarities. This principle of Astrology is to be understood in detail to know how the significations of everything have been arrived.

A child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with individual karma.

A child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with individual karma. Astrology is the study of man's response to planetary…

Continue ReadingA child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with individual karma.

People dont get job after a lot of hard work put in searching the job even after good education & experience

People dont get job after a lot of hard work put in searching the job even after good education & experience.there r yogs in astrology which prevents job or creates…

Continue ReadingPeople dont get job after a lot of hard work put in searching the job even after good education & experience