Friday the 13th Terrorist Attack On Paris like 26/11 & Chennai (Torrential rains).

Friday the 13th Terrorist Attack On Paris like 26/11 & Chennai (Torrential rains). Attack happened on 13th nov. 4 & 8 together creates disaster 13 adds to 4 Year 2015…

Continue ReadingFriday the 13th Terrorist Attack On Paris like 26/11 & Chennai (Torrential rains).

On this Earth Day in 2013 the numbers are lined up beautifully! You can ground your ideas like never before.

On this Earth Day in 2013 the numbers are lined up  beautifully! You can ground your ideas like never before.  Look at the code as it relates to Earth Day: …

Continue ReadingOn this Earth Day in 2013 the numbers are lined up beautifully! You can ground your ideas like never before.

Friday the 13th – Your Lucky Day Today is Friday the 13th – one of three this year. Three Friday the 13th in one year happens pretty frequently.

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Friday the 13th - Your Lucky DayToday is Friday the 13th - one of three this year. Three Friday the 13th in one year happens pretty frequently. What is rare in 2012…

Continue ReadingFriday the 13th – Your Lucky Day Today is Friday the 13th – one of three this year. Three Friday the 13th in one year happens pretty frequently.